Workflow is the sequence of process by which work is completed. Understanding the chain of custody of your content will help your production and postproduction run smoother. More times than not, filmmakers get stuck in a kind of limbo between production and postproduction which can become costly time wise, financially and mentally, putting a major strain on your production.
It all starts in pre-production, working with your various teams (camera department, DIT, dailies, VFX, editor, post house, etc.) to gain a better understanding of managing your content workflow and how data will be shared, transferred, transcoded, etc. from start of production through to your deliverables, as well as how you will protect your data. Having a game plan and knowing best practices, being prepared for any pitfalls, will better ensure your project’s timely delivery, success and staying on budget.
Security and back-ups. First and foremost know how you will secure your data and back up all content from dailies to behind the scenes to rough assemblies, various cuts of the film, final cut, and any additional content shot along the way. When backing up your drives, always keep in mind to back up your back ups. This is incredibly important.
A drive (or drives) should always remain with the producer (or production), an additional drive (or drives) can be made for dailies processing, this drive can then go to the editor, and an extra drive (or drives) should be made and kept in a separate secure location for secured archival. Additional drives can be made for director or post facilities if necessary, but most likely the director will be working closely with the editor or at times they may be the editor, and the post facilities will most likely inherit drives coming from the editor.
Always best to keep in fire protected safes or containers where possible to avoid loss or damage to drives. Backing up your drives and having in separate locations ensures the survival of your project. It sounds pricey but it’s worth that cost to protect your materials.
See page 53 of The Guide to Managing Postproduction for Film, TV & Digital Distribution for more detail on workflow for digital post houses and film laboratories.